Eyedaptic Glasses for AMD & Diabetic Retinopathy Vision Assistance
Please see the videos for a guided tour of the EYE5 smart glasses.
In this video we go over what is in the box when you receive your EYE5 glasses. In the package, you should find the EYE5 Quick Start Guide, companion phone box, and EYE5 glasses.
Initial Setup
Let’s get started! Here’s how to set up and make adjustments to your EYE5 glasses straight out of the case.
Home Page
This video covers the primary EYE5 glasses functions that reside on the home page of the remote-control application including the new EyeSwitch™ functionality. This includes Autozoom or Manual Zoom, Britext and Contrast controls, plus Brightness and Favorites settings as well as a few other helpful tips and tricks to make the most of your EYE5 glasses experience.
The Settings Page video covers controls across a wide range of capabilities, including: Autozoom adjustment, Contrast, Portal and Reference line controls, Stabilization as well as other ancillary functions like Wi-fi and Update controls.
Ideal Applications
Ideal Applications review some important features like EyeSwitch™, Autozoom and Stabilization and how to use them to make the most of your EYE5.