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Eyedaptic in your Clinic & Practice

Eyedaptic offers comfortable wearable eye wear that uses proprietary vision enhancing software that effectively simulates a person’s natural vision. Hear first-hand from Dr. Rebecca Kammer, OD, PhD how easy it is to integrate this into your daily practice. Designed in conjunction with leading ophthalmology retinal specialists, low vision optometrists and occupational therapists, Eyedaptic is completely non-invasive and worn like glasses. A clinical study demonstrates efficacy in daily tasks and improves visual acuity.

Some Words from Medical Experts

“This solution was designed by Retina Specialists and Low Vision Optometrists who understand your problem.” Brian Kim, MD Ophthalmology & Retinal Specialist

“Patients often use multiple low vision devices for daily needs and this, hands-free, wearable product combines many of those into just one device.”
Rebecca Kammer, OD, PhD & Low Vision Specialist

Eyedaptic Clinical Study Data

Our clinical study data has effectively demonstrated how Eyedaptic’s FDA Class I Exempt device provides life-changing independence for those with age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

Our collected data sets include:

  • Efficacy data on Timed Instrumental Activities of Daily Life (TIADL)
  • Visual Acuity improvements
  • Usability data for a range of distances

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