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Eyedaptic Upgrades its AR Glasses for Low Vision

We’d like to share some articles regarding the new Eyedaptic EYE3 Glasses.


June 23, 2021
Eyedaptic upgrades AR glasses for low vision

ORLANDO – Eyedaptic introduced Eye3, a new-and-improved version of its augmented reality eye wear designed for patients with age-related macular degeneration and low vision, here at Vision Expo East.

The Eye3 comprises a high-resolution camera on lightweight eye wear that is operated via Bluetooth from a cell phone, Eyedaptic sales manager, Brian Schleiger, told Healio.

A battery pack is attached to the side of the eye wear. The battery lasts 1 hour, he said, and can be recharged in a charging pod while the spare battery is in use.

Schleiger said the earlier version, the Eye2, was useful for patients with 20/50 to 20/250 vision. The Eye3 is effective for patients with more severe conditions and up to 20/800 vision. Read full article →


June 8, 2021
Eyedaptic Unveils EYE3, the Premier Version of its AR Glasses for AMD and Low Vision Patients

Product: EYE3
Top Line: Eyedaptic and Vispero are expanding their partnership with the release of the EYE3 visual aid solution.
Close Up: EYE3 is designed by retina specialists and low vision optometrists to aid those with retinal-related vision challenges, including age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

“EYE3 is a unique wearable device which contains simulated natural vision software, embedded in stylish eyewear, which augments the users’ central field of vision. The EYE3 empowers those living with AMD an opportunity to regain their independence and improve their quality of life” explained Mitul Mehta, MD, vitreo retinal surgeon and Eyedaptic’s chief medical officer.

EYE3 is completely self-contained, employs the highest resolution camera for superior image quality and includes interchangeable batteries for continuous extended use. The highest quality, and lightest most comfortable wearable visual aid on the market, the EYE3 displays have a wider field of view and higher resolution for even better retina coverage and improved visual acuity. Read full article →

From Orange County Business Journal

June 14, 2021
Startups & Innovations

Eyedaptic Inc. of Laguna Hills unveiled the latest version of its vision-enhancing glasses this month.

“We believe the EYE3 sets a benchmark for the best user experience,” Chief Executive Jay Cormier said. “Image quality, comfort and convenience are best in class for a wide variety of use cases – all made possible through our patented Augmented Realty software embedded in exclusive sleek looking eyewear.” Read full article →


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