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Eyedaptic Presents Augmented Reality Visual Aid Clinical Data at Envision Conference

Presentation is set to review head worn vision enhancement options focused on improving quality of life for those suffering with age-related macular degeneration (AMD).

Low Vision KOL and Optometry Advisor Dr. Rebecca Kammer will present clinical data on Eyedaptic’s Eye-1 Augmented Reality Device at the upcoming Envision Conference. The first clinical evaluation data will be presented by Dr. Kammer on August 22 at 4pm CST at the Grand Hyatt Wichita, Kansas. Envision is the premier international conference for networking with medical professionals, researchers and industry representatives to present ideas on how to improve the lives of those with low vision.

As many as 11 million people in the United States have some form of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). This number is expected to double to nearly 22 million by 2050. Eyedaptic’s eye wear devices are designed to offer visually impaired consumers a non-invasive, mobile visual aid to address central field of vision loss, caused by AMD and other macular diseases.

“I look forward to the opportunity to present the first clinical data for Eyedaptic product to the US’s leading low vision community.” Commented Dr. Kammer, who serves as a strong advocate for low vision patients around the world and has served on numerous medical missions to Honduras, Kenya and Tanzania. She consults and advises numerous ophthalmic companies by providing guidance on innovative research methods and offers a team-based approach with occupational therapists and optometrists to more effectively improve patient outcomes.

Eyedaptic is a software technology company addressing an unmet need in the ophthalmic field, by developing and marketing visually assistive Augmented Reality (AR) devices with embedded simulated natural vision software in an open market hardware platforms. The objective for presenting at this conference is to further build on previously presented pre-clinical trial data and to explore Eye-01 capabilities with AMD patients when performing simple everyday tasks. Effectiveness is be measured using reading tasks and a Timed Instrumental Activities of Daily Life (TIADL) inventory.

I am very excited for us to share this objective data and address this unmet need for those who suffer from AMD,” commented Dr. Mitul Mehta, Chief Medical Officer and Co-founder of Eyedaptic. Eyedaptic first-generation prototype has shown to enable improved vision endpoints for AMD suffers with low vision, and the hope of giving sufferers back their life and independence.

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