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Understanding the Relationship between Field of View and Resolution: Why Larger Isn’t Always Better

Understanding the Relationship between Field of View and Resolution:

Why Larger Isn’t Always Better


When discussing augmented reality technology (AR), particularly for people with Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD), it’s essential to understand the balance between Field of View (FOV) and resolution. The relationship between FOV and resolution is like this: when you want to see more content (increase FOV), you have to spread the limited number of pixels over a larger area, which inevitably lowers the resolution, causing the details to become blurry. 


What is FOV?

It refers to the extent of the observable environment at any given moment. Imagine you’re looking at a photo from a family on your smartphone. Initially, you zoom in on the photo to see a close-up of your family members’ faces. The image is very clear, with rich details. 


What is Resolution 

Resolution refers to the clarity and detail of the image, which is determined by the number of pixels on a display. Higher resolution means more pixels and thus finer details. For example, 1080p resolution (1920 x 1080 pixels) consists of over 2 million pixels. Comparatively, 780p resolution (1280 x 780 pixels) has approximately 1 million pixels. While it is considered high definition (HD), it offers less detail than 1080p. 


What is Apparent Resolution 

Now, you decide to zoom out to see the entire photo, including the background and all the people present. By doing this, you increase the Field of View (FOV), allowing you to see a wider area of the photo. However, you notice that the faces and details are now less sharp. This happens because the same number of pixels is now spread over a larger area, making each pixel cover a bigger part of the image. This stretching of the pixel results in a decrease of apparent resolution, and the image looks less sharp or blurrier.

Therefore, simply pursuing a larger FOV isn’t always better. Finding the right balance is crucial 

and Eyedaptic’s products are designed to strike the perfect balance between FOV and resolution.


Eyedaptic’s Solution

For individuals with visual impairments, achieving the right balance between FOV and resolution is particularly important. They need to have an adequate FOV for covering parts of the vision that extend beyond the macula, optimizing the remaining peripheral vision. Eyedaptic’s glasses leverage advanced OLED technology and sophisticated optical systems to optimize both FOV and resolution. By using high-resolution displays and innovative optics, these glasses provide users with clear and detailed images without sacrificing peripheral vision. This allows users to benefit from an expansive field of view while still maintaining the ability to see fine details clearly.

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