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Eyedaptic – 2020 High Tech Award Finalist

The Finalists are In & The Digital Party is On! Eyedaptic is a finalist in the Outstanding Emerging Technology Company category.

This award will be given to a company that is exhibiting a technology that is innovative and shows growth in revenue, headcount or both. The product/company must have gone to market to be considered. Company/product must be unique/ different than their competitors. Emerging Technology can indicate a high technology or medical technology.

Congratulations to the 2020 High Tech Awards Finalists! Finalists were chosen from over 80 company nominations. The High Tech Awards seek to celebrate and recognize those individuals and companies who make Orange County a center of technology and medical technology innovation. In its 27th year, the High Tech Awards has recognized and more than 100 innovative companies in Orange County. This is a great time to celebrate innovation and leadership in Orange County as we emerge from a global healthcare crisis.

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