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Sight Tech Global 2020

Eyedaptic hosted a breakout session at Sight Tech Global 2020! Attendees joined us, TechCrunch and many more for 2 full days with 35 speakers in 15 sessions focused on the cutting edge of AI-related technologies and accessibility, especially for the blind and visually impaired.

More information can be found on the Site Tech Global website and on the TechCrunch website.

The agenda also included 10 breakouts that ran in parallel to the main-stage sessions. These 30-minute segments were produced by partners who are excited about the strong profile of Sight Tech Global’s 1,200+ registered attendees.

Eyedaptic: Simulated Natural Vision Technology & One User’s Low Vision Journey
Recorded Dec 2, 2020. Watch Now:

Eyedaptic is an AR (augmented reality) visual aid company, which helps those with retina-related vision loss, such as AMD, simulate natural vision. Eyedaptic’s novel software adapts to the user’s vision, as well as their environment and habits, and optimizes the user’s remaining vision. Samuel Newman will discuss his own low-vision challenges that he has overcome and the low-vision technologies he has tried.

Jay Cormier, Founder and CEO, Eyedaptic
Samuel Newman, Clinical Specialist & Low Vision Technology User

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